7.2.2. DocumentationΒΆ

The documention source files are located in the docs folder. All files are written with the reStructuredText syntax. The structure of the docs folder devide the content in various sub-folders those folder represent sections in the documentation

|-- appendix --------- The documentation's appendix
|-- applications ----- Application section
|-- base ------------- Base information about the FSL Test bench
|-- _build ----------- Sphinx folder (the generated documentation)
|-- conf.py ---------- Configuration file for Sphinx
|-- images ----------- Screenshots
|-- index.rst -------- Default file for the documentation
|-- installation ----- Installation section
|-- intro ------------ Introduction section
|-- Makefile --------- Makefile for building the documentation locally
|-- misc ------------- This section contains various topics
|-- requirements.txt - This file is needed by Read the Docs
|-- services --------- Section with details about the available services
|-- _static ---------- Sphinx folder
`-- _templates ------- Sphinx folder

The documentation uses the sphinx-bootstrap-theme as theme. This theme is not available in the official Sphinx package. Because of this a separate installation is needed.

$ sudo yum -y install python-pip
$ sudo pip-python install sphinx_bootstrap_theme

For the generation of diagramms on-the-fly, the documentation uses blockdiag and nwdiag

$ sudo easy_install sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
$ sudo easy_install sphinxcontrib-nwdiag

For building the documentation locally, you need Sphinx.

$ sudo yum -y install python-sphinx python-docutils

If you want to build the documentation, switch to the `docs`_ folder and use make to build it.

$ cd docs
$ make html

The latest Documentation is always available at Read the Docs. After commit the changes to the git repository, Read the Docs rebuild the complete documentation.